Mike + Andy + Fiona + Ruby
Let me present to you four faultless fellows: Mike, Andy, Fiona and Ruby, each one corresponding to a specific profession. I created them for an educational book published by Oxford University Press. The exercise in the book was reading an interview (i.e. "Do you like playing football?", "Do you like acting?") and matching the corresponding character to each answer. Each illo is quite small when printed so here you can check them closer and in a lot more detail...

Mike: músico | Mike the musician

Andy: ator | Andy the actor

Fiona: jogadora de futebol | Fiona the footballer

Ruby: escritora | Ruby the writer
Abaixo o layout da página com os quatro personagens e suas entrevistas... E também temos mais dois exercícios ilustrados: O primeiro pede para desenhar uma boca (sorrindo ou não) em cada um dos velhinhos sentados no banco do parque. E o segundo exercício é descobrir quais as atividades o menino gostou e (quais ele detestou) durante o acampamento de Verão....
Bellow the layout with the characters and interviews... There is also two other illustrated exercises as well: The first one involves drawing a happy or sad mouth in the faces of four elderly friends. The other exercise is finding out which activity the kid liked or disliked while in the summer camp...

Mais ilustras: silbachstation.com (em Português)
More illos at: silbachstation.com (in English)
Marcadores: Didáticos, educational book, gallery 02, illos, UOP
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