Ballet de las Bodijas

"Ballet De Las Bodijas" é a ilustração no Spotlight. Criada para um livro didático de Lingua Espanhola, da Editora Ática. Foi muito divertido criar essa ilustração, baseada nos chamados "Trabalenguas"...
Una vieja bodija
pericotija y tarantantija,
tenia tres hijas bodijas
Percio, Tija y Tarantija
This month the illustration on the Spotlight is "Ballet Of Bodijas". It was created for a educational book published by Atica House. It was really fun to create this illustration inspired by some tongue twisters (called "trabalenguas" in spanish)...
Una vieja bodija
pericotija y tarantantija,
tenia tres hijas bodijas
Percio, Tija y Tarantija
Marcadores: Didáticos, educational book, gallery 01, spotlight
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