Communication Arts: Fresh

Hoje o site da Communication Arts publicou um perfil sobre mim na seção Fresh! Lá eu falo um pouquinho sobre o início da minha carreira, influências e filosofia de trabalho entre outras coisas...! Veja o artigo na íntegra (em inglês) no site
Today there is a profile about me at Communication Arts: Fresh web page! I talked a little about starting a career as an illustrator, cultural influences and work philosophy among other things...! Check it out at
Marcadores: entrevista, interview, news
4 Comentários:
i just saw this and cam eover to say hi. WAY TO GO Carlos!!!!!
pw!, em 2/11/10 12:56 PM
Yeah! Thank you Peter!! :0)
C. A. Silbach, em 2/11/10 1:45 PM
I just read this too... great work! It reminds me of the illustrations during the credits of the movie "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events."
Monica, em 5/11/10 6:14 PM
Thank you for the kind words Monica. I'm not familiar with the Lemony Snicket's movie but now I'm curious... I'm going to check it out :0)
C. A. Silbach, em 6/11/10 8:43 PM
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